Learning also happens outside the classroom!
Many of our students attend a variety of school trips for educational purposes (and fun!). Families are responsible for these additional costs, but often this poses a burden for some students in our communities.
Each school can request funds to help reduce the costs associated with school trips or leadership activities for their students. Friendships, inspiration and learning opportunities are all central to school trips and activities, and we believe that all students should share these invaluable experiences.
You can direct your donation to the School Allocations Wing of Support through our Canada Helps page.
Your application should include details of the excursion and the number of students that will be assisted. Schools are allowed a maximum of $500 per school year. The application should indicate how the request for funding is consistent with our mission to assist students that would otherwise not be able to participate in this excursion. Schools are required to submit an allocation follow-up form after the event. Schools are invited to submit a request for funds using the School Allocation. Application for Funding form available by request from iris.martinez@tcdsb.org.