One in four children in Toronto lives below the poverty line.
All students should have equal access to warm clothing, food, hearing aids, eyeglasses, epi-pens, and other necessities for life and for their education. Through our Guardian Angel Funds, we are able to assist TCDSB students with some of life's basic needs. Application for these funds must be initiated by the school principal or the school social worker.
You can direct your donation to the Guardian Angel Funds Wing of Support through our Canada Helps page.
Applications for the Social Work Emergency Fund predominantly cover food and clothing for students. Loss of employment, a family crisis, an illness or an accident are just some of the many reasons families in distress reach out to us. We are happy to be able to help with emergency funds in a student's time of need.
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Thanks to the continued support of the TD Securities Underwriting Hope Campaign, this fund is available for TCDSB students whose families, due to exceptional and sometimes catastrophic circumstances, require financial assistance and/or other support to promote their health and well-being.
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The Angel Foundation for Learning Camp Fund was created to provide students facing financial challenges the opportunity to participate in summer camp activities. The criteria has been extended to include after school sports activities for students that would otherwise not be able to afford the costs of these programs.
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The Reliable Life Fund is an emergency source that provides money for a student’s medical necessities that may be the result of a schoolyard accident or other medical requirements, where the family is not able to provide the necessary funds to meet the student’s needs.
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The Loretto Sisters have a long history of helping refugees and recent immigrants settle into their new life in Canada. This fund will support TCDSB students who are new comers to Canada to participate in school events including, but not limited to:
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TCDSB students demonstrating artistic ability in Visual Arts, Music, Drama or Dance can apply for up to $500 to develop their talents. The Angel Foundation for Learning wants students who have been identified with artistic talents to have the opportunity to develop these skills regardless of the family’s ability to pay for lessons or materials. This fund is made available due to a generous bequest from Bob Wilson, a former TCDSB/MSSB employee, who had a passion for the Arts.
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